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At IndustrieMedia TV, our team of journalists is dedicated to providing you with the latest news and information from around the world. With years of experience in the field, our reporters have a keen attention to detail and a passion for uncovering the truth. From breaking news stories to in-depth investigative reports, our journalists work tirelessly to bring you the most accurate and up-to-date information available. We are committed to ethical journalism and unbiased reporting, and our team takes pride in being at the forefront of the news industry. Whether you're tuning in for our daily news updates or our feature stories, you can always trust IndustrieMedia TV to bring you the best in journalism.

What is the ‘Big Mac index’ and what it reveals in the case of Spain

The Big Mac index, created in 1986 by the British publication The Economist,  consists of comparing the cost of the in each country, taking as a...

Thousands of people could have lost their savings after investing in the iEarn Bot cryptocurrency app

Thousands of people could have lost all their savings after investing in a cryptocurrency trading app called iEarn Bot, the BBC reports . According to this medium, experts who have investigated...

The psychological reason why supermarkets place candies on the checkout line

It is no secret that supermarkets, more than a place to buy food or supplies for daily life, are places for consumption like any...

Wim Hof: breathing exercise for your immune system

Do you want more energy, less stress and a stronger immune system? Do you want to sleep better, improve your cognitive skills and sports performance,...

Rage diets

The more extreme the diet, the better it will be. Lost 5 kg in 3 days, isn't it great?  A fad diet is a diet that...

Tight Plan vs Crash Diet

Crash diet When your body gets less energy than it actually needs, your body will go into alarm. This is because people used to see the...

Learn to set realistic goals

Set targets instead of goals Goals are things you can achieve and are therefore finite in principle . A target is something you really aim at, think...

Vitamin D and athletes

Vit D is known to most people as the 'sunshine vitamin'. Sunlight is indeed the most important source of vitamin D since the body can...

Bang & Olufsen’s products are optimized for Microsoft Teams and Zoom

The number of Danes who have a hybrid workplace – that is, both from home and at the company's office – is increasing. It is...

Danish robotics will collect soil and rock samples from Mars

Right now, NASA's Perseverance vehicle is orbiting and collecting soil and rock samples on Mars as part of the NASA-led Mars Sample Return mission,...



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